Connections API

Connection’s will be used to connect Device’s with each other. It does not matter whether the device is a Scenario device or a Setup device.

Every connection object has to inherit from the class Connection directly. It is important to note that the connection tree is not realized via the normal Python inheritance, but by an internal representation. More details see Connections.

Basic Connection

The basic Connection class is the master class of every connection. It can always be used as container for your sub-tree connection too.

class balder.Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

This is the basic connection class. On one side it is the common base class for all connection objects. On the other side it can also be used to describe a container connection, that contains a list of different connection items.

append_to_based_on(*args: Tuple[Union[Type[_balder.connection.Connection], _balder.connection.Connection]]) None

with this method you can extend the internal based_on list with the transferred elements. Any number of Connection() objects or tuples with Connection() objects can be given to this method


args – all connection items that should be added here

classmethod based_on(*args: Union[Tuple[Union[Type[_balder.connection.Connection], _balder.connection.Connection], ...], Type[_balder.connection.Connection], _balder.connection.Connection]) _balder.connection.Connection

With this method it is possible to define several sublayers of the connection. You can pass various other connections in this method as arguments.

Note that multiple parameters of this method (but also of all other methods that work with Connections) mean an OR operation. So if you define a BaseConnType.based_on(ConnType1, ConnType2) it means that your connection BaseConnType is based on a ConnType1 or a ConnType2.

In order to describe an AND operation, i.e. that the BaseConnType is based on a` ConnType1` and a ConnType2, you have to pass them as a tuple. This would look like this: BaseConnType.based_on((ConnType1, ConnType2))


args – all connection items for which this connection is based on

property based_on_elements: List[Union[_balder.connection.Connection, Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection]]]

returns a copy of the internal based_on_connection

static check_if_tuple_contained_in_connection(tuple_elem: Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection], other_elem: _balder.connection.Connection) bool

This method checks if the tuple given by tuple_elem is contained in the other_elem. To ensure that a tuple element is contained in a connection tree, there has to be another tuple into the other_elem, that has the same length or is bigger. In addition, there has to exist an order combination where every element of the tuple_elem is contained in the found tuple in other_elem. In this case it doesn’t matter where the tuple is in other_elem (will be converted to single, and tuple will be searched in all BASED_ON elements). If the tuple element of other_elem has fewer items than our tuple_elem, it will be ignored. The method only search for a valid existing item in the other_elem tuple for every item of the tuple_elem.

  • tuple_elem – the tuple element that should be contained in the other_elem

  • other_elem – the connection object, the given tuple should be contained in

static cleanup_connection_list(full_list: List[Union[_balder.connection.Connection, Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection]]]) List[Union[_balder.connection.Connection, Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection]]]

This method cleanup a connection list while removing items that are direct duplicates and by removing duplicates that are fully contained_in other items.


full_list – the full list of connections and tuples of connections that should be cleaned-up


returns the cleaned up list

clone() _balder.connection.Connection

This method returns an exact clone of this connection. For this clone every inner connection object will be newly instantiated, but all internal references (like the devices and so on) will not be copied (objects are the same for this object and the clone). The method will make a normal copy for every connection object in the _based_on_elements list.

contained_in(other_conn: _balder.connection.Connection, ignore_metadata=False) bool

This method helps to find out whether this connection-tree fits within a given connection tree. A connection object is a certain part of the large connection tree that Balder has at its disposal. This method checks whether a possibility of this connection tree fits in one possibility of the given connection tree.


The method returns true if one single connection of this object fits in another single connection that is given by other_conn.

  • other_conn – the other connection

  • ignore_metadata – if this value is true the method ignores the metadata


true if the self object is contained in the other_conn, otherwise false

static convert_tuple_to_singles(tuple_elem: Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection]) List[Union[_balder.connection.Connection, Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection]]]

This method converts the given tuple_elem to single items and return these.


tuple_elem – the tuple element out of which the single items are being created


a list of new connection objects that are single items

cut_into_all_possible_subtrees() List[Union[_balder.connection.Connection, Tuple[_balder.connection.Connection]]]

This method cuts the resolved connection tree in all possible pieces by removing elements that change the existing tree - thereby the method returns a list with all possibilities (a copy of this object with all elements is contained too).


Note that the given element or the child elements of a given direct Connection object has to be single!

equal_with(other_conn: _balder.connection.Connection, ignore_metadata=False) bool

This method returns True if the current object matches the given object. It always converts the elements to a resolved version and checks if both of them are exactly the same.


Note that both Connection objects have to have the same ending parent elements. Only the order of the parent elements are obviously irrelevant.


Note that it doesn’t matter if the connection is embedded in a container-Connection element (direct instance of :class`Connection`) or not. It only checks, that the logical data of them are the same. If both elements are a container for a list of child connections, the method secures that both has the same children. If only one (same for both) has one child connection which is embedded in a container Connection class, it returns also true if the other connection is like the one child element of the other container Connection.

  • other_conn – the other connection, this connection will be compared with

  • ignore_metadata – if this value is true the method ignores the metadata


returns True if both elements are same

property from_device

device from which the connection starts

property from_node_name

the name of the node in the Device from which the connection starts

get_conn_partner_of(device: Type[_balder.device.Device], node: Optional[str] = None) Tuple[Type[_balder.device.Device], str]

This method returns the connection partner of this connection - it always returns the other not given side

  • device – the device itself - the other will be returned

  • node – the node name of the device itself (only required if the connection starts and ends with the same device)

classmethod get_parents(tree_name: Optional[str] = None) List[Type[_balder.connection.Connection]]

This method returns the parent classes of this connection.


tree_name – the tree name the parents should be returned (default: use tree defined in GlobalSetting)

get_resolved() _balder.connection.Connection

This method returns a resolved Connection Tree. This means that it convert the based_on references so that every based on connection is a direct parent of the current element. It secures that there are no undefined connection layers between an object and the given parent.


This method returns the connection without a container Connection, if the container Connection would only consist of one single connection (which is no tuple!). In this case the method returns this child connection directly without any Connection container otherwise the Connection container class with all resolved child classes will be returned.

get_singles() List[_balder.connection.Connection]

This method returns a list with connection objects where every element is a single clear possibility of the current connection sub-tree. With this method the OR possibilities will be resolved, so that every item does not contain any OR relations.


If the current object is a container Connection object (direct instance of Connection), this method returns the single elements without a container class!

get_tree_str() str

This method returns a string, that represents all internal connections as readable string.


a readable string of the whole connection tree

has_connection_from_to(start_device, end_device=None)

This method checks if there is a connection from start_device to end_device. This will return true if the start_device and end_device given in this method are also the start_device and end_device mentioned in this connection object. If this is a bidirectional connection, start_device and end_device can switch places.

  • start_device – the device for which the method should check whether it is a communication partner (for non-bidirectional connection, this has to be the start device)

  • end_device – the other device for which the method should check whether it is a communication partner (for non-bidirectional connection, this has to be the end device - this is optional if only the start device should be checked)


returns true if the given direction is possible

intersection_with(other_conn: Union[Connection, Type[Connection], List[Connection, Type[Connection], Tuple[Connection]]]) Union[Connection, None]

This method returns a list of subtrees that describe the intersection of this connection subtree and the given ones. Note that this method converts all connections in single resolved connections first. For these connections the method checks if there are common intersections between the elements of this object and the given connection elements. The method cleans up this list and only return unique sub-connection trees!


other_conn – the other sub connection tree list


the intersection connection or none, if the method has no intersection


Provides the information in which direction the connection is supported (if the property returns true, the connection must work in both directions, otherwise it is a unidirectional connection from the from_device to the` to_device`

classmethod is_child_of(other_conn: Type[_balder.connection.Connection]) bool

determines whether this connection is a child of the given connection

classmethod is_parent_of(other_conn: Type[_balder.connection.Connection]) bool

determines whether this connection is a parent of the given connection


This method returns true if the given (sub-)connection tree is completely resolved (describes every single Connection object of the tree - there are no undefined connection layers between an object and the given parent).


This method returns true if there exists no logical OR in the based on connection(s). One AND tuple is allowed.


Note that this method also returns False, if the connection is not completely resolved!


Provides the information if the current connection object is a universal connection. This means, that the type is the base Connection and the based_on_elements are empty.

property metadata: dict

returns the connection metadata dictionary

set_devices(from_device: Type[_balder.device.Device], to_device: Type[_balder.device.Device])

Method for setting the devices of the connection if this has not yet been done during instantiation


Note that you can not change the devices after they were set (only possible internally)

  • from_device – device from which the connection starts

  • to_device – device at which the connection ends

set_metadata_for_all_subitems(metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Union[_balder.device.Device, str]]])

This method sets the metadata for all existing Connection items in this element.


metadata – the metadata that should be set (if the value is explicitly set to None, it removes the metadata from every item)

classmethod set_parents(data: Optional[List[Type[_balder.connection.Connection]]], tree_name: str = '')

This method allows to set the data for the parent classes of this connection - note that None will remove the entry and completely disconnect this object from the global connection tree

  • data – the new parents (None if everything should be reset)

  • tree_name – the tree name of the parents that should be set (default: global tree)

property to_device

device at which the connection ends

property to_node_name

the name of the node in the Device at which the connection ends

update_node_names(from_device_node_name: str, to_device_node_name: str) None

This method dates the names of the nodes from which the connection in the from_device originates and finally arrives in the` to_device`. Please provide the node name of your from_device in from_device_node_name and the node name of your to_device in to_device_node_name.

  • from_device_node_name – specifies the node in the from_device

  • to_device_node_name – specifies the node in the to_device

OSI Layer 1: Physical Layer

class balder.connections.BluetoothConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder Bluetooth connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.CanBusConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder CAN-Bus connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.CoaxialCableConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder Coaxial-Cable connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.DslConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder DSL connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.RS232Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder RS232 connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.RS422Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder RS422 connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.RS485Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder RS485 connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.IsdnConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder ISDN connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.I2CConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder I2C connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.I2SConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder I2S connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.OneWireConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder One-Wire connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.OpticalFiberConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder Optical-Fiber connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.SpiConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder SPI connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.TwistedPairCableConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder Twisted-Pair Cable connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.UsbConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder USB connection (OSI LAYER 1)

class balder.connections.WifiConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder Wi-Fi connection (OSI LAYER 1)

OSI Layer 3: Network Layer

class balder.connections.IpSecConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder IPSec connection (OSI LAYER 3)

class balder.connections.IPv4Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder IPv4 connection (OSI LAYER 3)

class balder.connections.IPv6Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder IPv6 connection (OSI LAYER 3)


alias of <_balder.connection.Connection object at 0x7f91550cf3d0>

class balder.connections.ICMPv4Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder ICMP IPv4 connection (OSI LAYER 3)

class balder.connections.ICMPv6Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder ICMP IPv6 connection (OSI LAYER 3)


alias of <_balder.connection.Connection object at 0x7f9154ee03d0>

OSI Layer 4: Transport Layer

class balder.connections.TcpIPv4Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder TCP IPv4 connection (OSI LAYER 4)

class balder.connections.TcpIPv6Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder TCP IPv6 connection (OSI LAYER 4)


alias of <_balder.connection.Connection object at 0x7f9154e564f0>

class balder.connections.UdpIPv4Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder UDP IPv4 connection (OSI LAYER 4)

class balder.connections.UdpIPv6Connection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder UDP IPv6 connection (OSI LAYER 4)


alias of <_balder.connection.Connection object at 0x7f9154e56c40>

OSI Layer 4: Session Layer

class balder.connections.PptpConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder PPTP connection (OSI LAYER 5)

OSI Layer 5: Presentation Layer

class balder.connections.TelnetConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder TELNET connection (OSI LAYER 6)

OSI Layer 5: Application Layer

class balder.connections.HttpConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder HTTP connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.ImapConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder IMAP connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.LdapConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder LDAP connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.NtpConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder NTP connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.RpcConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder RPC connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.SmtpConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder SMTP connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.SntpConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder SNTP connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.SshConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder SSH connection (OSI LAYER 7)

class balder.connections.DnsConnection(from_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, to_device: Optional[Type[_balder.device.Device]] = None, from_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None, to_device_node_name: Optional[str] = None)

Balder DNS connection (OSI LAYER 7)