APIΒΆ Here you can find the full API documentation of the Balder Framework. API Balder Decorators API Decorator @balder.connect(..) Decorator @balder.fixture(..) Decorator @balder.for_vdevice(..) Decorator @balder.covered_by(..) Decorator @balder.insert_into_tree(..) Decorator @balder.parametrize(..) Decorator @balder.parametrize_by_feature(..) Plugin API The BalderPlugin Connections API Basic Connection OSI Layer 1: Physical Layer OSI Layer 2: Data Link Layer OSI Layer 3: Network Layer OSI Layer 4: Transport Layer OSI Layer 4: Session Layer OSI Layer 5: Presentation Layer OSI Layer 5: Application Layer Devices API Basic Device Basic VDevice Features API Basic Feature balderglob.py API The setting class BalderSetting Scenario API Basic Scenario Setup API Basic Setup Controllers API Basic Controller Scenario/Setup Controller Device controller Feature controller Parametrization API Providing arguments for dynamic parametrization